Some Nights My Son Has A Hard Time Falling Asleep 😴 , I Was Giving Him Magnesium Gummies For Kids But I Don’t Know If They Really Work?
How To Deal With A 10 Year Old Boy That Is Realizing He Likes Girls He Throws Kisses And Says He Likes Them. And Increased Energy
How Do I Teach My Nonverbal Autistic 4-year-old How To Potty?
When I first got my oldest I didn't even know he was autistic like his mother never even got him his shots he was just turning six freak me out the first time he played with his poop are truly thought… read more
Does Anyone Know Of A Good Adult Psychiatrist In Or Near Knoxville Tennessee? We Are Moving From IL To TN And Need A Psychiatrist There
No problem. Knoxville is a fun,scenic city. I hope you enjoy it there and find all you need.
Where Does One Go For Some Type Of Treatment, Facility, Etc. That Accepts A Child With Autism, 8, Non Verbal, With Dangerous Behaviors?
I’m in constant fear, every day throughout the day I fight trying to gain control or calm these behaviors that include self harm to me, himself, & others? Everything in my home is damaged, the risk that my landlords discover the damage done, we are being told to leave. Residential has been recommended for awhile, as I’ve tried every other avenue I’ve been offered and can find. In Indiana state funding is required for most. As I’ve even made two attempts to try and get child services to open a… read more
Mostly it's because they are trying to tell you something, seeking help for an issue they are having
There's a very loving person in there
Figure out what the problem is.
Could be as simple as… read more
Does Anyone Know Of Affordable Tutoring Companies? 7th Grade Homework Has Been Overwhelming.
You can choose in person or online tutoring.
Has Anyone Dealt With Their Child Refusing To Wear Diapers Or Clothes?
I know the automatic response to refusing diapers is to potty train. But I don't think that is what's happening with my son. He just turned 3 and all of a sudden started getting extremely upset when we try to put a new diaper on him. He kicks and does everything in his power to make sure the diaper doesn't go on. My husband and I are having to force the diaper on, which is obviously not a good thing for anyone. He is also fighting putting on clothes. Both of these just started all of a sudden… read more
How Can I Stop My Daughter From Stripping Naked And Peeing Everywhere?
So she's almost 3 but quite severe on the spectrum, she has always tried to strip and is hudini with nappies 😆 but I'm getting to my whits end, she refuses to sit on the potty/toilet and is constantly taking all clothes and nappy off. Please help 😭
@A MyAutismTeam Member <-- I'm not sure how to respond directly to you.
My 4yo who we potty trained is moderately asd. So I'm sure it will be different.
Our youngest is severely autistic and also… read more
What Forms Of Discipline Do You Use When There Is Disrespect Or Disobedience?
Before diagnosis(a few days ago) we would take things away(tv privilege/video games/toys). But now it seems like that is a huge trigger of sudden change and is overwhelming even when he is warned that we will take something away. Not sure if I want to get into a full on meltdown every time he is disobedient, but I still want him to have structure and behave.
What Products Do You If Your Child Is Not Potty Trained Overnight? Absorbent Underwear Maybe?
I would say it depends on the size of the child. Goodnites are a very good brand and absorbent if they will fit your child.