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10961 questions

Do Anyone Know Tyler McNamer? I Had Find His Autistic Story On Google. AutismWorks Is His Website.

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Author of 2 Books.
Speaker autistic awareness
Founder of AutismWorks.
A day in the life of

A MyAutismTeam Member

I'll have to look him up and thank you.


posted 15 hours ago

Any Tips For Parents Considering An Emotional Support Pet For Their Child?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyAutismTeam Member

100%. Just make sure the size is appropriate.

posted 8 hours ago

Does Anyone In The New York City/ Brooklyn Area Know About Any Good Eye Surgeons For My Son, I Have Been Struggling To Find One?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Are There Resources Available To Check In On Adult Children To Check That Basic Daily Tasks Are Being Addressed?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Anyone Know Of Any Social Groups For Adolescents On The Spectrum In NYC Area?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Good afternoon all. I am a parent of a 19 year old adolescent male, who is looking into joining a social group for my son. He has had trouble socializing but has expressed that he was open to it. It's been hard for him to adjust into his new school since he's been homeschooled for the last 4 years with little to no social interactions with his peers. I've tried to having him join virtual social gatherings when covid was at its peak but he refused to participate. I never wanted to force him. But… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

Have you tried the Autism Society as they may know of social groups.


posted 3 days ago

How Do You Get Your Child/adult Child To Achieve?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Healthier option?
Have you tried different pasta, quinoa or pea and quinoa or gluten free?
Isn't it unhealthy to give pasta so many times?

A MyAutismTeam Member

Empowerment with immediate reward(s) when they do.
Rewards can be as simple as acknowledging their accomplishment.

posted July 16

How Many Of You Are Having Problems In Your Marriage With An Autistic Child.

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Things are getting more and more unpredictable with my marriage everyday.
My wife complains that I don't seem happy when I come. I come home to my nonverbal autistic sons room and the house being destroyed everyday.
My wife complains that I do not do enough around the house, and i feel like all I do is work, everyday. Any ideas on how to improve my situation.
I appreciate your help!

A MyAutismTeam Member

There is a lot of great advice here. This may sound overly simplistic, but I think my wife and I have a successful marriage because we both keep in mind that we're both just trying to do the best we… read more

posted 5 days ago

My 8 Year Old Grandson Is Severely Autistic And Non Verbal. He’s Getting Big And Having Behavioral Issues. What Medication Could Help?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

His Father walked out on the family. He’s gotten worse throwing things. Breaking a window. His father absolutely forbid any kind of medication. Now that he’s not in the picture could my daughter get medication for him without the father’s consent?

A MyAutismTeam Member

They also have liquid available. My son takes an oral liquid we just put in gatorade or juice because he won't swallow a pill. His appetite got bigger at first but leveled out over time is the only… read more

posted July 18

How Can We Make More Resources In Our Community More Available As Daycare With Daycare Worker That Are Trained

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyAutismTeam Member

It’s ok for now we find a better daycare that accomadate him

posted July 8

How Can I Help My Son With Regression?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭


A MyAutismTeam Member

Repetition and encouragement. If its something in particular — if you're speaking generally, that's more difficult.

posted 4 days ago
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