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Can Having An Autistic Child Put A Wedge In Your Marriage?

By A MyAutismTeam Member 14 answers

Sensory Days???

By A MyAutismTeam Member 12 answers

Anybody Use Tablet And What Did You Put On It?

By A MyAutismTeam Member 11 answers

What Analogy Helped You Explain Autism To A Family Member?

By A MyAutismTeam Member 21 answers
11094 questions

Has Autism, Or Is Autistic?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Portland, OR

I'm curious to know what others say when characterizing their young child's disorder in a context where it's necessary to identify it, such as arranging for special accommodations.

"I have a child with autism."
"I have an autistic child."
"My child is on the autism spectrum."
"I have a child with special needs."
"I have a child that is smarter than me but can't tie his own shoelaces."

Don't mean to stir up controversy. I'm just interested in how others feel about this.

A MyAutismTeam Member

I have Aspergers and I'm not offended by any of them. I of course am not special needs but my son needs special accommodations at times. I think it depends on the person you are speaking with. If you… read more

February 14, 2021

How Do You Feel About Pressure From Schools To Mainstream Your Child Out Of Special Ed?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Valley Mills, TX

I'm worried that Ryan will be forced to give up his unique perspective to comply and fit into mainsteam classes. He is only in Pre-K and there is pressure being applied to get him out of special ed into regular Kindergarten by next year. I feel they dont know him well enough, and with his delays I think it's setting him up for failure
Can I hear from parents with children that have gone the route into mainstreaming, and some thoughts on how to deal with the fear that my son is going to be… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

I homeschool one of my kids for this reason. BUT not all parents can or have the patience to. So for me. I was mainstreamed but also put in special ed classes. Most the kids in Special education were… read more

February 14, 2021

Have Any Of You Reached The Point Where You Have Stopped Mourning The Life You Imagined Your Child WOULD Have Had If Not For Autism?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Woburn, MA

I remember the exact moment I stopped mourning. About 2 years ago, I was watching a group of mothers at my son's school playground chatting and lamenting about their kids and the typical social drama that they were going through. It hit me that he does not judge people at all in that way and he never will. I admired that about him. And I let go of that imagined child's life and dove fully into what is gratefully here :-)

A MyAutismTeam Member

That is so beautiful . The last bit there really touched my heart . Too many perents never get to this stage and often when they do its too late and there's resentment festering all over the place… read more

July 9, 2019

Does Anyone Have Advice For How To Respond To Rude Comments From Strangers?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Spring Hill, TN

My daughter has a lot of sensory processing problems which we are working on with OT. These challenges for her become extreme when we need to take her grocery shopping . The rude comments from strangers has been getting worse... Before they would say something to me or give me the "bad parent" glare but lately some have had the nerve to say things to her. A few weeks ago I actually witnessed 2 adult women photographing her while laughing at her unique way of lining up plastic forks at our local… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

I would have said please delete that photo since you don't have my permission, and further amore your comment is very rude towards my daughter and I. I get that alot at target also with my daughter.

April 28, 2023

Anyone Ever Lose Friends Because Of Their Child's Autism?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Browning, MT

I had a friend that this past year was also my sons preschool teacher. During the year I never really noticed that she seemed like she became real distant. The other teacher had mentioned to me that my friend did not really know how to handle Kade when he had his meltdowns. I honestly did not say anything I figured my friend would ask me if she needed help I trusted her and Kade seemed happy enough with school. So now that school has been out two months for Kade and the lack of text messages… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

First of all, maybe your son needs special teachers who are trained to deal with children with special needs. Speak with the school! Request that your child be placed in classes where the teachers are… read more

May 26, 2017

How Do You Get Through Hygiene Care Without Meltdowns?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Cohutta, GA

How can I get my 10 year old aspie son to shower & brush his teeth without melting down? The toothpaste, regardless of brand & flavor
Causes him gag and sometimes, vomit. The shower thing is beyond me..once he gets in..he sings along to his shower music (the beatles ) and he is fine. How do you do it? And I will sing your praises forever if anyone knows of a flavorless toothpaste or one that's NOT bubblemint,cinnamon,mint ect...he LOATHES cinnamon & anything mint.

A MyAutismTeam Member

Hello-My daughter used to give one child a shower and then once they got out, she would brush her teeth but this caused a major meltdown so now during the shower while the water is going......shower… read more

April 27, 2022

Should An Aspie Child Be Told About Their Diagnosis?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
East Liberty, OH

I'm trying to decide whether or not to tell my 11 1/2 yr. old son about his diagnosis... And if I decide to tell him; what to say that is age appropriate. His therapist doesn't see the need unless he asks. I've mentally made a list of the possible pros and cons... Telling him would explain some things for him, but I don't want to run the risk of him regressing in some way or using this information as an excuse to not be the best he can be. A little background on my son: He knows he's… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

I honestly wish I had known when I was a kid. I knew I was different. Life was HARD. I wasn't diagnosed until age 30. If I had been diagnosed as a kid, if it had been explained as a positive thing… read more

February 14, 2021

Is ABA Helpful For High Functioning ASD Kids?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Marysville, WA

For those with High-functioning kids, have you found ABA therapy to be helpful? Or not? and why?

My son's teacher and school team were discouraging me from pursuing ABA therapy for my son because he is considered "high-functioning" I was under the impression that ABA can be helpful for all degrees of learning and development.

Hoping to draw some insight from some of you...

A MyAutismTeam Member

I have both my children with Autism in ABA and I don't think I could do without it. I have one high functioning child and one not high functioning child so I believe it has helped me with both of… read more

September 8

Has Anyone Had Success In Getting Their Child Involved In Any Sports / Athletic Activities?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Kailua, HI

I was wondering if any parents have had success in integrating their child into a sport or physical activity of any kind?

My middle (autistic) boy has taken up BMX (bicycle moto-cross)racing and has become unbelievably successful at it in less than 2 years. He is even sponsored by a bicycle shop and an apparel company. He is now being "scoped out" by a HUGE bicycle company's factory team. Unreal. I have noticed that there are many kids at the race track and skate parks that are clearly on the… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

When I hear stories like this, I love it but my twin granddaughters with autism who are now 21yrs old participated in the Special Olympics for 4 years but because of money issues and budget restraints… read more

April 27, 2022

Problems With Putting Too Much Food Into Mouth?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
Faribault, MN

Does anyone else have a problem with their kids putting too much food in their mouth at once? Little Man will literally put almost an entire half sandwich in his mouth at once and then try to chew it up. Is this an autism/sensory thing? That possibility just occured to me today but I don't know if there's actually a connection there. Anyone else have experience with this?

A MyAutismTeam Member

@vwmommy-Unfortunately, one of the twin autistic females in our family who is 23yrs old has been doing this for 10 years. We constantly have to watch her because there have been a few times that all… read more

February 1