Hi Everyone - Any Suggestions For Gymnastics In Nassau County NY
If your child has special needs do some searches for “adaptive gymnastics” classes in the county system.
How Do You Fix Bad Behaviors? With Your Kiddos? I'm Still Struggling With All Of This
Bad behaviors
How Did You Share Your Child's Diagnosis With Them (if You Have)?
Funny enough, a few months ago, we had been preparing to talk to my son about it, and one day he just asked me "Papa, am I autistic?" I answered him honestly and it turned into a great conversation.
Hi Rich & welcome:) For my 20 year old we hadn’t told her & I had a school psychologist ask me why we hadn’t yet & I said I just didn’t want her to be hurt by it. He said she’s so smart that she’ll… read more
How Do You Adapt Trick-or-treating For Your Child?
I always do whatever it is that my kids are comfortable with. When they were younger, they were shy about saying trick-or-treat. I would practice with them and if we approached the house and they… read more
Does The State Pay You To Homeschool Autistic Children? I Thought I Seen That Somewhere On Here
This gives a good overview if you decide to homeschool. I could only find applying for scholarships as the way Ohio helps with the cost of homeschooling.
https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C… read more
Stem Cell Therapy For Autism.
Has anyone used stem cell therapy for autism? It is not approved in the United states but a lot of people go to Panama ect. To have it done. Thanks hope you all are having a blessed day.
If you decide to have it for son do let us now the whole details
I wish I had known about it when son was younger
Autism Parents Meeting Friday Oct 25 @ 7:00p.m Eastern Standard Time Via Zoom Link: Https://us05web.zoom.us/j/89289846628
30 minutes
I will add more dates and times to fit flexible schedules. Come share resources, vent, listen, and connect with other parents that understand your daily life.
Zoom Link: Https://us05web.zoom.us/j/89289846628
Copy and paste if needed
How Can I Make This Work?
I’m 28 years old living with my mom and I positively know that soon I will eventually get my first so apartment. I work a part time evening job and eventually will be switching to day time job but still part time because I have to work around my sons schedule with school (I have to get my son from school at 11am due to the collaboration with Aba schedule), it wasn’t by my choice. But what do I do if my son does not have school days (school closing/holiday breaks/etc.) and my son gets ABA 3 days… read more
The right job is out there :) Just take one day at a time until it finds you 😊
Would Anyone Be Interested In A Autism Parents Zoom Meetings On Friday Evenings Or Saturday Afternoon's?
It would be eastern time zone. Nothing serious, just something we could get together virtually and maybe share resources, or even listen to each other vent and have a good time. I don't know. Just a thought!
@MyAutismTeam users... Autism Parents Meeting Friday Oct 25 @ 7:00p.m Eastern Standard Time Via Zoom Link: Https://us05web.zoom.us/j/89289846628
30 Minutes
My Son Is Obsessed With Company LOGOS And Advertisments With Complex Graphics. What Kind Of Talent He May Have?
He enjoys watching and then he draws what he has seen. He has a photographic memory, he remembers details and redraw what he saw.
@A MyAutismTeam Member, are they Peter John videos? Joseph would watch his stuff on YouTube. Went through how logos evolved over time. A positive activity for this obession would be to play the Logo… read more