Meltdowns Or Tantrums? Scared? | MyAutismTeam

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Meltdowns Or Tantrums? Scared?
A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Our granddaughter Bella (5) has really been having major meltdowns. How do we know if this is because she is 5 & just throwing a fit cus shes not happy with something, or if it is part of her Autism showing its ugly head? Also- she has come up with the strangest *scared* ideas, & also scared dreams. The other day she wouldn't walk on the floor cus it scares her & its going to get her. The same thing with her pet dog, snakes (?), & other odd things. Is this normal? She is noise sensitive & goes… read more

posted December 1, 2014
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A MyAutismTeam Member

From a medical perspective, an abnormal stress response is not unusual in ASD context. Just today there was research that came out using cortisol level (stress harmony) and two other inflammatory markers as biomarkers for ASD that was over 90% accurate for predicting ASD - that could very well big a big subset.

While many normal kids may also have anxiety and heightened stress response, I believe it is more common in ASD.

Just this morning, our son refused on walk on grass - he was afraid on stepping on dog poop (his older nT brother accidentally stepped on it last week and our younger one has been afraid of it since). His older NT brother was able to easily overcome and rationalize the fear quickly (next day) but our ASD kept fixating on it for a whole week which I don't think is normal. I am sure he will have the same fear tomorrow but it will eventually dissipate as we keep encouraging him and allay his fears.

posted December 1, 2014
A MyAutismTeam Member

My son is only 3 but he has really strange fears alot of times I cannot even figure out what he's actually afraid of because he is non verbal. But he has always been afraid of the meat dept. in our grocery store I mean from the age of 12 mnths he would look towards the back of store ( meat dept) and just start screaming and crying If I would turn the cart to go in that direction he would claw at me and literally try to jump from the cart into my arms! To this day I'm not sure exactly what he is afraid of back there. I thought maybe it was the Big Hanging Signs they have I do not know! Also He will scream and cry if there is anything on T.V. where a character is flying or somehow in the sky! For example when Grover becomes SuperGrover and flies off on Sesame Street it is full on Scared To Death! And another episode where Big Bird is in a hot air balloon he freaks out! So I do not know why he is afraid of these things. I wish he could talk maybe he could tell me.

posted December 4, 2014
A MyAutismTeam Member

Aww that is FANTASTIC. I have found that although sometimes family members want the best for me and my son. They are overwhelmed easily and don't understand. It is great to hear B has wonderful parents AND Grammy. :)

posted December 3, 2014
A MyAutismTeam Member

HEllo Robin. I was exactly where you are right now. My son is now 13 and has come a long way. Still has a ways to go but...It sounds like your child may also have a type of Sensory disorder, disfuntion, or whatever they are calling it these days. My son used to put his hands over his ears when we rose our voices to reprimand him. Which got him into more trouble because we thought he was being disrespectful. Turned out he had sensitivity to sound, light and smell. This I also found out contributed to A LOT if not ALL of his melt downs and tantrums. If I took him to a store, mall, restaurant, anywhere where there were a lot of people he turned into a little ball of anger, tears, and just bad behavior. I am so happy I finally found out what it was then I was more aware of the signs before the melt down. I would just say "Ok time to go" Sometimes he just needed to step out and maybe sit in the quiet car or outside. I would sometimes find him in our closet as well. But that was when he was older and found out he can do that. When they are little they don't know how to comunicate this to anyone. My son slowly grew out of the sound sensitivity. I put him in physical therapy, but for scensory issues. Insurance ofcourse didn't pay for that either but I had to do it and it was the best decision. He was sensitive to touch, still doesn't like hugs unless they are tight. His balance was off, etc. My son was hyposensitive to touch so he needed to be rolled tightly in a blanket or tight space and this helped him. he is now 13 and still LOVES to be rolled up like a burrito. Some kids are hypersensitive and can't stand the lines in socks, or the tags on shirts or even walking barefoot on grass or sand. I would maybe recomend you find a physical therapist that helps with their specific need. IT WAS A MIRACLE for us. Regarding the dreams and "scared" issues. My son went through a stage where he thought we were going to be shot as soon as we got out of our car. I don't know why but I took him to psychiatrist who said it was anxiety and they unfortunalty had to put him on medicine but if they need it they need it. He has gotten better and I recenlty took him off of his 100mg Zoloft. Took year but... Good luck please let me know if I can help you even if just to listen.

posted December 3, 2014
A MyAutismTeam Member

I would think that although your 5 year old is a little young now, but perhaps you could take her to a psychiatrist. I think he/she can give you more of an insight as to what her symptoms are considered to be at this point. In the mean time, give her lots of cuddles, kisses and hugs. Children need lots of affection and comfort. I remember when my daughter was very little and gave me a quick weird smack on my face. She was about 2, but she changes her behavior towards everyone outside each year. Since she turned 10 years old, she has stopped communicating with other kids and adults outside of our home. I hope you find the right path!

posted December 2, 2014

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