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Moving Tips Wanted
A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­

My wife and I have decided to leave North Carolina and move to Roanoke, VA. The BRAAC is there. I visited the school with my daughter and she loved it! North Carolina doesn't have anything really for special needs children. My daughter was in the perfect school setting until the State shut down the school. They discriminated against these students and violated their civil rights. I can't go into further detail as there is a lawsuit pending. Anyway, we are leaving NC for VA. I have a degree in… read more

posted January 11, 2016
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A MyAutismTeam Member

It is very difficult to land a job these days if you are out of state. From an employers perspective why hire someone moving to your area when you have applicants close to you already. I ran into this on more than one occasion and it was rough. I ended up taking a part time job until I could find a full time job after I moved. There are companies looking for qualified candidates from all over and will sometimes pay to relocate but there are not many of them out there anymore.

You have to decide if your children's needs are more important than the job, and if you are moving so they can get what they need sometimes you have to sacrifice. If you are not able to do that than your only option is to wait it out and hope you can secure a job first before making the move. A lot of us have had to make tough choices for our children sake it is just how it is sometimes. I wish you the best of luck.

posted January 11, 2016
A MyAutismTeam Member

When we decided to leave Georgia, I looked at states that mandatory insurance coverage for ABA therapy or that offered ABA through Obamacare. The second thing I did was to look for places with affordable housing and jobs in my field. I lined a up job in Texas but Indiana probably would have better for our ASD daughter and cheaper housing but still it's better than Georgia as we could actually buy insurance that would cover our daughter.

Why just opt for Virginia? Why not expand your search to other states? I'd still consider places like Ohio, Indiana, Illinois or Wisconsin because they have a lot of cities, cheap to live there and they have decent services for autism.

posted January 11, 2016
A MyAutismTeam Member

We create our own reality with our thoughts. You are doing the admirable thing and the Universe will provide for your family. Just set your intention and then allow the Universe/God to provide. It will all work out!!! I'm so proud of y'all. My children's civil rights were violated numerous times by the public school system here in TX. I ended up pulling both of my girls out of school (at different times) to home school. I honestly didn't want to home school but it became apparent that I could do a better job meeting their academic and emotional needs than the so called 'experts.' Go figure ... it's amazing how this journey leads you in a direction you never thought was possible. For me, I give credit to God and my angels for doing all the work and I just strive to remain open by allowing right action to flow through me. Keep up the awesome work and keep us posted when you land that perfect position!

posted January 15, 2016
A MyAutismTeam Member

When we moved from Georgia to Colorado, our son was 2 at the time and not yet diagnosed with ASD - although we knew there was something going on. Anyway, we knew we were arriving in Colorado ahead of the moving truck, so I pre-shipped items I knew would be helpful and they were waiting for us when we got there. All in all the move was a decent transition for him.

posted January 13, 2016
A MyAutismTeam Member

The mistake we made when moving house was to make up my son's room with recently laundered bedding and curtains. Unless your child is old enough to understand the transition, and for some the thought of a room make-over is very exciting, I would recommend that you launder the items the week before you move and then place those as is in the new home. There is enough new sights and sounds to contend with, so if you can ease the burden on the sense of smell - which by the way has no filter - then it could help the child with the transition.

posted January 12, 2016

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