Level 2/3 Verbal Communication
Curious, are there children diagnosed as level 2/3 that are able to ever communicate verbally successfully? Our son is 2 1/2 and non verbal currently. Hes in speech therapy 4xwk and im wondering if verbal communication could be a possibility down the line? As long as hes able to communicate with us in some fashion i guess thats all that matters but how wonderful would it be to hear him talk.
I agree it is good as long as he is able to communicate in any way. My son is 9 now, but he was 5 years old before he ever said anything. I cried the first time he said I love you ! Keep working with speech and hopefully it will help to communicate better. My son can say words and communicate with us but it is not in sentence forms yet but we are still doing speech therapy. Good luck!
My son is 3 1/2 and after almost a year of therapy he is finally saying 1 or 2 word phrases. Like someone else said he is not conversational but that is ok. I been told me teaching him sign language AND saying the word might have helped. (I am teaching him sign language because of 2 reasons. 1. He was not talking and wanted a way for him to communicate and 2. I am hard of hearing, so it will help when he starts talking but I have trouble understanding him.) I highly recommend teaching sign but making sure to say the word so he hears the sounds. But i say in time you will hear him say words. Might only be a few but take whatever he gives and be happy.
My son is also a level 2/3. He was completely nonverbal up until about 2 months ago. Hes been in speech therapy for about a year. He’s now almost 3 and he has a few words, he will ask for things (1 word only) and says phrases like “thank you” and “give me”. He calls both me and his dad “daddy” which is fine with me, having him acknowledge me with any type of name is more than I thought would happen! You’re doing the right thing with all the therapy, don’t give up
Our son was originally nonverbal- but now, at the age of 6, has a lot of words that he uses individually (not in sentences) very regularly, to ask for things or sometimes to point out things he sees. It is incredibly difficult to have a kiddo who can't communicate with you! But if you keep on working with your son, and taking him to speech therapy as often as you are, things might just get better!! It's fantastic that you've got him in as much therapy as you do. I would LOVE it if our son just woke up one morning sprouting out sentences- but at the moment, I'm willing to accept small victories =) Good luck!!
Does Anyone Have Level 2 ASD Kiddos Who Became Verbal From Non Verbal?
Autism And Communication.
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