Where Can You Buy Toys Or Gagets That Satisfy The Urge To Tear Up Socks By Pulling All The Strings Out? Also, Where Do Autistic Teens Hang
My grandson puts himself to sleep by pulling on a sock with his mouth to start to untangle it until all of the threds are pulled out. What can I do to change this behavior.
Also, my 13-year-old grandson is home schooled and has no friends other than family and his puppy. Is there any kind of social activities he and others can attend? Are there any churches who may have Youth Meetings where kids can meet and greet, maybe dance and sing or play card and board games>
I let Stephen tear up old magazines.
There's always a 'event' that leads up to this, and lately it's been going to His mom's.
Figure out the Why/Trigger.
My 13 year old (is a lot younger as far as his mental age). He always has just a piece of string we use as a fidget. He will chew on clothes and other things more without it. It's been has favorite thing for a long time.
Angel Sense