How Do You Do Flight
I am wondering what to do about 24 year old nonverbal son if he had to do flight to Poland or Florida USA from London, United Kingdom
He would want to be outside and walking somewhere
Flight seems impossible and ipad /tablet no good
Stickers for only 5 min
There’s probably better advice out there..but I’m very scared of flying, it brings on an immediate panic attack. Anytime I’ve had to get on a plane, my doctor prescribes Xanax for the anxiety. Long story short…It always makes me tired & I usually fall asleep. Maybe something to make him tired & he could sleep on the plane.
Music is a good way to go. And fun movies 🎥. Sometimes flights have live cable so that is an option.
I have flown but my wife was with me so was not too bad. I did get called out tsa to have special check was really nervous.
Check your local airport they should offer days were people with ASD can go practice going through the process of getting on the plane/ through claims etc. if he has any services like OT or ABA the therapists can also help you with tips and practicing my last resort would be to medicate my child I would exhaust all efforts first just my opinion I know each child is different and some may need to be sedated. 💜
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