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Top 10 search results for "Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

How Do I Pick A Therapy

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

My four year old son, Jacoby, has ADHD and high functioning autism. I am so confused and overwhelmed with the different therapies. I only know a little bit and ABA is the one that keeps popping up. What other therapy options are there and what are the pro cons? I just want to do what's best for him!

A MyAutismTeam Member

At his age, it's important to get him evaluated by the school district too. At age 3 they begin working with kiddos in pre-k special day classrooms. I was SUPER hesitant to get the school involved so… read more

Does Anyone Know Of A Good Middle School For Children On The Spectrum In Coral Springs, Florida?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MyAutismTeam Member

Oops,, that is

How Do You Know If You Should Switch Your ABA To Another Place?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

We have been at the same ABA place for a year. I am thinking of looking into somewhere else. My daughter has had some improvements but not what I would have thought or expected within a years time. She seems really bored and her behavior lately has been at its worst. I have talked with her supervisor about changing things up but never seems to happen. Can anyone offer advice or tips about how you know that you are at the right place and how your child does with ABA. I don't know much since it's… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

the model they use for treatment is really important as is the therapist and their connection to your child - chemistry. We've had great success with the "Early start denver model" of ABA - theres a… read more

Floortime And Early Start Denver Model Financing Through Regional Center And Insurance - California

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Hi. It looks like behavioral health treatment (particularly ABA method) is mentioned in insurance policies. I wasn't able to figure out whether relatively newer therapies like Floortime or Early Start Denver Model are covered by the insurance or not. Also, there seems to be cases where regional centers cover Floortime or Early Start Denver Model services. Is there anyone who has success with getting finances for one of these 2 therapies through insurance or regional centers. Any input is very… read more

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A MyAutismTeam Member

If you are in the regional system then you just need to ask your case worker. They’ll look at your child’s progress and possibly approve. The regional center is great I recommend getting an intake… read more

Early Start Denver Model?!

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Has anyone found this effective? Anyone in the greater Boston Area doing this?!


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A MyAutismTeam Member

The Early Intervention preschool that DD attended from 2 until 3 1/2 used ESDM. It pulls from the best of the various approaches (ABA, DTT, Floortime, TEACCH, etc.) and DD really responded to it.

Recess Accommodations

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Do any of you with elementary aged kids have IEP accommodations for recess? Jesse is six and is starting to get in trouble at recess. It is just too much for him - sensory overload. He is active and needs an outlet and recess is important, but not sure of any steps to take. Thanks.

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A MyAutismTeam Member

Here are some things we tried: first, the recess personnel need to be aware that he might need extra help in socializing so that they can step in when it gets "hairy"; second, our child's school SLP… read more

Experiences Of GFCF Diet, Does It Help?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Hi friends, can you share experiences of GFCF diet on your kids ? Does it improve speech?

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A MyAutismTeam Member

That’s wonderful Information. Can you please suggest any website where I can get dosage information for 3yr old ASD kids esp for fish oil. and multivitamins. Thanks.

Inpatient Therapy

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

My Son is 32 yrs. old and was diagnosed two years ago as being on the spectrum. He also suffers from depression. The Drs. have suggested inpatient therapy to deal with both issues. Does anyone have insights into inpatient centers that are not also addiction centers?

A MyAutismTeam Member

Many inpatient centers also treat addiction. I’ve yet to figure that one out. My only guess is funding, doctor availability and/or lack of facilities/resources. There are facilities that treat only… read more

Does Anyone Have Any Experience With The Early Start Denver Model?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

My daughter is 27 months and has just started with our state's Early Intervention program. Because she is very high functioning, they only recommended that she see an developmental interventionist for one hour once a week. I'm not sure that this is doing enough to help her improve her social skills and decrease her intense fear of and reaction to new places, so I'm looking for something with solid scientific proof that my husband and I can practice at home.

I've heard good things so far about… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

depending how long she has been in school they go through adjusting period. You have to stay intuned to what the school is doing and how they are addressing her specific needs, so you can do the same… read more

Summer Off Programs

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

My son turns 3 at the end of June, and ages out of Early Intervention just in time for summer break. He will start inclusion preschool in the fall, with therapies in the self-contained room. He is considered "mild."
I don't want him to go the whole summer without therapies or socialization. Any suggestions of programs or classes he should take or do?
Thanks in advance!

A MyAutismTeam Member

For the socialization end you can check with your states DDS services, Department of Developmental services and see what programs they have going on for the summer. You would have to do some paperwork… read more