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Top 10 search results for "Strattera" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

What ADHD Medications Have Worked Well For Your Children With Asperger's?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

My son has been on Daytrana patch since February. He currently is at 20 mg. I feel like it is not working at all. He is more irritable, aggressive and impulsive. He cannot swallow pills due to sensory issues. We previously tried Focalin XR (he kept chewing the beads) and Vyvanse (increased tics). I was wondering about Methylin as it comes in a liquid or chewable or Dextroamphetamine which also comes in a liquid. Anyone have any experience with these???? Thanks!

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A MyAutismTeam Member

My child has been on adderal for 10 years and risperdone it works well for her

Did Anyone Ever Hear Of Using The Drug Strattera For Autism?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyAutismTeam Member

We used Strattera on our Son successfully for years, but per the comment above he was on a mood stabilizer so we didn't see further issues of mood swings. It helped his ADHD. When vyvanse came out we… read more

Risperdal Medication

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

My daughter that is now 11 yrs old has recently been prescribed Risperdal due to her OCD/repetitive/aggressive behavior. She's been on it for almost 2 weeks now. It seems to slightly help with OCD but still showing repetitive/aggressive behavior. Along with those behaviors, she seems more hyperactive at night, causing her to fall asleep at 3 or 4 in the morning. I was told to give her the Risperdal before bedtime so i am not sure if it is the medication that is causing the hyper behavior. Her… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

@A MyAutismTeam Member I will have to look in to that medication. My daughter has OCD, repetitive behaviors, aggression, and hyperactive at night so I'm hoping I find the right medication for all or… read more

School Thinks It's Autism, Doctors Do Not

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Help! My son is very quirky and has some symptoms that could be attributed to autism. He is very high functioning, has wonderful friends at home (his cousins and neighbors) but withdraws at school because he is too anxious to talk to the other kids. We have taken him to many doctors and counselors, and last year we took him for a full evaluation/ADOS test. He came back with very slow processing speed and working memory, but minimal to no evidence of ASD. His therapist said to try ADHD med… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

My son uses vyvance and it helps him focus. What ever medication u try start with a low dose and work your way up. Work with your provider and let them know how things are going. I went thru a… read more

Trying To Get Some Feed Back On ADHD Medicine?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

My son will be 7 years old this month, diagnosis with Autism (high functioning). He also has ADHD, I have not wanted to do medicine as so many side effects. But after 3 years I gave in and tried Ritalin, although it did help him focus and clam him down, the side effects were worse than the benefits. So, I am looking for any and all suggestions (different medicine, natural medicine) that have worked for others. Thank you

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A MyAutismTeam Member

I get so sad when I see parents give up on their initial gut reaction not to medicate and make excuses for it. I do understand how difficult it is. I also have personal experience to share and wisdom… read more

Strattera Dosage For ASD/ADHD 11 Year Old Girl

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Hi all. My 11 year old daughter got diagnosed with ASD just this past year (along with having been diagnosed with ADHD a few years ago. There really hasn't been a medication that truly has helped her. Definitely not the stimulants. She's been on Intuniv a couple of times and most recently on Strattera 18 MG, (She's been on and off Strattera a few different times in the past year and a half). Do of any of your adolescent daughters take Strattera and which dosage did you find somewhat… read more

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A MyAutismTeam Member

Thank you for your encouragement


A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

does seroquel cause loss of bladder control like risperdone does?

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A MyAutismTeam Member

My son became so violent from seroquil we had to have the cops come and he was brought to the hospital.

Has Anyone Dealt With Severe Behavioral Changes Suddenly At 14?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

My son is 14 y/o and was in general obedient and well behaved with occasional but mild misconduct issues, that's until about two months ago when he started spitting constantly and peeing at all times and places, also laughing kind of defiantly, I took him to his neuro and he took him off Risperidone (which had also made him gain a lot of weight) and put him on Atomoxetine but it only made it worse, now he has meltdowns (it had been like 2 years since he had any), and (not sure if because of the… read more

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A MyAutismTeam Member

Thank you so much @A MyAutismTeam Member, he had been overall well for about a year or so, the medication change was because he started acting out (along with the weight gain) but much more mild than… read more

Side Effects With Strattera

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

My son was on intuniv for year and we had to increase 3 times so the dr decided to try to try strattera and he has been on it for month and I have seen improvement but his sensory issues seem to be worse at school with the med change I know strattera is a gradual change just wondering if anyone had same issues?

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A MyAutismTeam Member

might need to build in more semi-structured breaks, to give him some more processing time.. If you are seeing benefits at home .. I know it is tough, but working to find solutions with the school is… read more

AD/HD Meds

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

I believe that my son has AD/HD as well as possible mild ASD. We have an assessment by a pediatrician who specializes in AD/HD next month scheduled. My hope is that the meds may help with his distractibility and lack of motivation. I know he could learn the material in class if he was able to pay attention better. (He does have an IEP and is in a blended inclusion Kindergarten.) Any luck with these meds? I am really wanting my son to be "mainstreamed" next year. He is 5, in Kindergarten.

A MyAutismTeam Member

Be sure to look up your local Child Find program, usually through your county school board, asap. It might take three months to get the appointment for initial assessment, but then after that they may… read more