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Top 10 search results for "iep ending" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

We Are Receving My Son's First IEP On Friday. What Should I Look For Or Expect? He's 13 In The 6th Grade.

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question đź’­

We have been in a private Christian school for 9 years and just moved to public school in September. They conducted the evaluations and determined that my son qualifies for Special Ed Assistance. They will give us his IEP on Friday. Since I've never seen one, what shoudl I expect? The public school has been great so far. I just don't know what an IEP even looks like, much less what it should contain.

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A MyAutismTeam Member

Thanks @A MyAutismTeam Member. I'm sure I'll ask more questions when we get the IEP. Thank you for the information!

How Often Is An IEP Supposed To Be Revised?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question đź’­

My son Daniel is entered Pre-k ESE January 2013. The new school year has started and Daniel will be attending the same school but will have a new teacher. His new Pre-k teacher transferred from another school, has yet to receive Daniels IEP. She says it is an issue with the school board. I have gladly offered her my copy from last year. Do we have to wait until he goes to kindergarten before we get a knew IEP? He is very high functioning and has been placed with similar high functioning… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

@A MyAutismTeam Member it makes sense what you are saying with regards to the procedures that the school/ teacher is following. It has not been a full year since his start date. He did attend extended… read more

Has Anyone Had A Buddy Written Into Their IEP Goals?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question đź’­

Has anyone had a typical buddy written in their IEP? Like a social goal where their kid was paired with another student to help them practice making friends or help ease anxiety around social situations at school? Can you tell me what that looked like? I’m looking for ideas.

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A MyAutismTeam Member

@A MyAutismTeam Member that’s fantastic!

Autism And School

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question đź’­

Hello. My autistic son turned 7 and I know he’s supposed to start school. The schools in our area do not have enough support/resource for him. He was referred to a private school for autism but he is on the waiting list and 4th in that list. They said realistically it may take 4 years to make it to the top of the list. What do we do in the meantime? If he can’t start school until years later, how will he be at “grade level”? Also, how does grade level and state testing work with children who… read more

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A MyAutismTeam Member

@kgates-when the twins were little and a school in Chicago did not have an autism class or any support, I campaigned to get all of that started in this school on the south side. OMG it was so hard. I… read more

Elementary Schools In Brooklyn

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question đź’­

my son is 4 years old and on the spectrum. Im having a hard time finding an elementary school for him. He starts kindergarten in September and I feel like every school I call for open house never knows how to answer any questions about children with autism. They're very dismissive and I'm kind of getting discouraged. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thank You!

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A MyAutismTeam Member

I am also in NYC and can relate. I went through the turning 5 process last year. I was told to apply to several schools while awaiting the IEP meeting which occurred sometime in May. Afterwards I… read more

IEP Eligibility--Autism Or ED?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question đź’­

My son is 6th grade HFA. We have just completed assessment for Special Ed, and the school wants to categorize him under Emotional Disturbance with Autism secondary. We maintain his emotional issues stem from Autism, but the definition of Autism in IDEA is very limited. We've been told by others that a label of ED can mean different services (not targeted at Autism). My son DOES have emotional issues, we don't deny that. Does anybody know if treating emotional issues is different if there are… read more

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A MyAutismTeam Member

i would never let my school district make that determination. EVER.. I got through cincinnati childrens hospital developemental disabilities and behavioural pediatrics and let them determine the… read more

When Is The Right Time To Have Our Son To Be More Integrated Into General Education

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question đź’­

Hi my son is 7 years old and has been in ABA program for 4 years. He just started his 2nd grade and is now in LLD program. My wife and I feel that my son needs to be integrated/shouldve been more integrated into gen ed class more to be able to have him learn with his peers.. so that he doesnt fall too behind and later have mental emotional issue when he starts to realize that he cannot do what other peers do in their classroom or also in non classroom setting
Schools seems to be not setting… read more

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A MyAutismTeam Member

My son goes to a ABA therapy center all day instead of the public school. They have worked wonders with my son and he loves going.

IEP From State To State

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question đź’­

If you move from one state to another at what time is the IEP in the new state refreshed? We moved from MD to MA and MA did not start his speech therapy until 4 month later (by the time that they got "organized"). They also followed a completely different curriculum type meaning that my child did not have the opportunity to receive his IEP "goals" counting, naming body parts, etc.

We just had his IEP meeting and it talked about next steps? However there was no discussion about goals met… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

Please call the Autism Society and ask for an Advocate as the IEP follows the child what ever state they are in. It's the law.


IEP Next Step Once Refused? Want Functional Behav Evsl.

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question đź’­

I am in CA. My son is in kinder (hf asd/adhd). I had an IEP meeting on Thursday & was told IEP is refused since he is near passing grade level & not failing. The issue is he is sitting under a table during most class time if not chosen to be a helper. He has also had a min. Of 5 head injuries since October at school. Tripping, lack of focus/excitement, kicked, head butted (lack of awareness of spatial distance/personal space/lacking social cues
I've been in tears daily & don't know how to get… read more

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A MyAutismTeam Member

Sorry to hear that you are going through this . I also went through it ten years ago when my son entered the school district of Philadelphia . Even thou I had gave them all test results from… read more

Iep Cse

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question đź’­

please tell me what services are out their and how should they be written into a iep so they are measureable

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A MyAutismTeam Member

IEP is the most unmeasurable tool I have seen. So many use a percentage, such as will be at 90%... then when we write the next one that goal is met....boggles my mind!!! I believe the measurable… read more