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Top 10 search results for "stealing" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

My Son Is 13 And Struggles To Control His Impulses, He’s Stolen From Shops And Steals Food Regularly From Our Cupboards And Is Unremorseful

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyAutismTeam Member

I wish I could find the answer. My son went out for a walk and forgot to take a drink and pinched water from the shop the weekend. He told his sister about who told me. I sat him down and asked him… read more

Has Anyone Had Issues With Stealing By Your ASD Child? What Did You Do To Stop This Behavior?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

We have a 10 year old son with ASD. He steals whatever he wants with no remorse. He has been doing this for years. He steals food, candy, money, toys from stores. I have to do a pocket check if I take him shopping with me. If you ask him if stealing is wrong, he says yes. Yet the behavior goes on. What should we do?

A MyAutismTeam Member

I’m having the same issue. My 12 year old son has gone into my purse and wallet and my parents’ wallets and buys stuff on eBay that he wants. This is not the first time and he knows right from wrong… read more

Stealing Food

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MyAutismTeam Member

Yes. Big challenge. Fridge and cabinet locks. Visual schedule for snack and meal times. I try to be very responsive and appreciative to verbal requests, or anytime the kids are telling me they want… read more

Food Theif

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Does anyone have any idea on how to stop an autistic child from stealing food? My daughter steals food (mostly sweets) it's not that I don't feed her or even allow her to have the items that she takes but she continues to take them without asking and hides to eat it. I've tried putting it where she shouldn't be able to get it but she finds a way. I dont by sweets often they are truly a treat but if I cant find away to stop the sneaking then we will become a treat free zone.

A MyAutismTeam Member

I have to put combo locks on the cabinets and lock up certain rooms like storage. It’s definitely an impulse issue. My daughter wants to stop but keeps relapsing. The worst part is that she lies about… read more

Is It Common For Someone On The Spectrum To Steal?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

I've read that stealing is not something that goes along with autism. However, I've researched this a little bit and have found that many people ask questions about it. My grandson doesn't "steal" in the truest sense of the word, but he does take things that aren't his, like pencils, scissors, and other random items. When asked, he as no real answer about why he does it.

A MyAutismTeam Member

My kids do not understand boundaries and most social norms. They have an impulse to grab something and it is extremely difficult to stop them. We focus on what “to do” rather “not doing” - ask for the… read more

How Can I Help My Son With Regression?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭


A MyAutismTeam Member

Repetition and encouragement. If its something in particular — if you're speaking generally, that's more difficult.

My Son Is 12 Almost 13 & Is ADHD & ASD (Asperger’s). He Has Been Stealing My Bank Card & His Grandparents Cards To Buy Things.

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

He lacks impulse control but is very intelligent. I have him on medication, going to occupational therapy

A MyAutismTeam Member

Some banks have an app that allows you to turn your card off and turn it back on again when you are going to use it....

Non Verbal Watching Shows In Different Languages Is That Ok?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

My daughter is 6yrs old and non verbal. She's beginning to mumble alot and repeat words. She loves to watch shows in different languages. Will this hinder her from learning her primary language first?

A MyAutismTeam Member

My son is 4yrs old. He switches everything on his tablet from English, Chinese, Spanish, and I forgot what else. He does this all day long. I just let him. No way to stop him it would be a battle… read more

Does Anyone Know A Way To Stop An Autistic Child From Stealing?

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

My daughter is 12 years old and, for about the past year, she has been in the habit of taking things that do not belong to her or that she does not have permission to use. It started off with her taking food items, mainly snacks. Now she has gone as far as going into my purse and taking credit cards in an attempt to purchase a game. We have tried on numerous occasions to correct this behavior. We have tried explaining that taking things that do not belong to you is wrong and asking her how… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

This is almost exactly what I am experiencing with my 12 year old son. He keeps stealing my card(has 2 times now) and has stolen his grandparents cards to buy stuff for games online. He knows right… read more

Sneaking Food

A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

We have noticed within the past couple of months our (9 year old) Aspie son is sneaking food. He has a healthy appetite and always finishes his meals. We noticed he was sneaking candy and other sweets. He is not allowed in the kitchen without permission for this reason. Last week he grabbed a handful of little smokies at a Halloween party and snuck to a corner to eat them. I found a partially eaten granola bar under his pillow last week. I constantly find various wrappers in his laundry. Today… read more

A MyAutismTeam Member

We are having the same issue with our son who is almost 5. The behavior has been going on for over a year. We are in the process of purging sweets, which is making him be ever more diligent to find… read more