Do People Treat Your Kids Differently Because Of Their Autisim? | MyAutismTeam

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Do People Treat Your Kids Differently Because Of Their Autisim?
A MyAutismTeam Member asked a question 💭

Im a young parent, it's hard already but finding out my son has Autisim has been really hard on me. I haven't told many people about my son being diagnosed with Autisim because I don't want people treating him differently.

posted November 14, 2015
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A MyAutismTeam Member

We don't tell people unless they need to know. Get ready to hear all kinds of advice from people have no experience in dealing with autism on a day to day basis and thinking they are telling you something you haven't already thought about before. Most parents get into research mode and learn a lot in a short time. The autism spectrum is so large that even good info may not apply to your child.

posted November 15, 2015
A MyAutismTeam Member

We told family right away and most of them took it well. There were a few that just said the children are fine they are just a little behind. For some it took until my daughter was six and still not speaking or being potty trained to figure it out. After they had accepted she was ASD they then accepted that her HFA brother was to.

I do not hide this from anyone because I honestly don't care what anyone thinks anymore. If we are out and my daughter does something drawing attention I will let them know. Most people now are more educated on this and they understand, for the rest I do t care.

As time passes and you learn more and you are in acceptance of everything it gets easier to deal or not deal with these situations with family, friends, and the general public. You do not have time in your life to deal with unacceptong ignorant people, you just move on. I will say you do find out who your true friends and family are.

posted November 15, 2015
A MyAutismTeam Member

Hello, same here I waited about a month before I told a few....the rest, I'll let them figure it out on their own...I have found that a lot of people tend to fade away, and just don't know how to have a conversation with us anymore, like we are severely different I'm too the point were I don't tell people until they ask me first, and free time goes too my tj's progress and researching how I can find help for him.

posted November 14, 2015
A MyAutismTeam Member

I initially thought about keeping it to myself but decided to be very open. I know it is different for every family but I wanted people to try to understand him better. When he behaves in certain ways, I didn't want people to assume it was because he was a brat or we're bad parents. He just experiences the world differently. Some people do want to give advice and some people want to underestimate him, but I've educated many people on how unique my son is and how unique all kids on the spectrum are. I share progress with my friends and family on social media and I broadcast his strengths, his funny personality and all the things that make him my special little man. I tend to steer clear from sharing negative behaviors, except with close friends and family because I don't want people to see him as less than or a victim. He's not a victim and we're not victims because he has different abilities. I was afraid to keep quiet because I didn't want to perpetuate ignorance about ASD and I didn't want to feel like I was ashamed that he has ASD. I'm not at all saying that all parents should respond in this way. You know your child and what's best for him and you know the best way to protect him. When or if you're ready to tell others, that is your choice.

posted November 20, 2015

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